Gifts of 2017

Among the glittered bows and shiny wrapping paper, between the hover boards and baby toys, we received some pretty amazing gifts this holiday season. But some of the most amazing gifts we received this year didn't come in packages. We've received gifts all year long from the one who knows best everything we need.

  1. The gift of a daughter who lights up our world and a husband who is the hero of our family and my own personal rock and best friend
  2. The gift of a pup who is best friends with my girlie
  3. The gift of an actual plan to start publishing The Harvest trilogy by May 2018
  4. The gift of living in Utah much closer to extended family 
  5. The gift of the opportunity that we've had to travel down to Orem at least once a month since moving to Vernal
  6. The gift of great friends in the Basin who make life in the desert fun
  7. The gift of a healthy family - with a lot of learning through the not so healthy times that has made me feel confident as a parent. 
  8. The gift of  hope in Christ that brings me strength and comfort during personal trials of every kind
  9. The gift of getting to eat dairy free for 2 months which helped me to be more conscious about what I eat and has given me a desire to eat healthier.
  10. The gift of a solution (formula) to Evie's tummy troubles of 3 months due to her dairy and soy allergy
  11. The gift of how happy Evie is and her spunky personality that keeps me on my toes and gives me lots of smiles
  12. The gift of how Evie has developed so perfectly reaching milestone after milestone like it's nothing.
  13. The gift of a husband who is willing to work for our family at the hospital and at home. Who takes over diaper changes and bedtime routine when he comes home from a long day.
  14. The gift of ableness of my body to work and to care for my family
  15. The gift of a healthy and uneventful pregnancy, labor, and delivery
  16. The gift of capable nurses and doctors who delivered Evie and gave me that blessed epidural 
  17.  The gift of a good job for Justin to provide for our family with people we love
  18. The gift of all of the visitors who have been able to make the 2.5 hour trip to Vernal to see our family
  19. The gift of music and that Evie loves to listen to her mommy and daddy sing and play the piano - and that she joins in too!
  20. The gift of life to be able to enjoy all of these and many other experiences and memories from the past year. 
I'm so grateful for all of the gifts loving friends and family gave us this holiday but I will never forget the amazing gifts that came without bows and packages from my Father in Heaven.

What's been your favorite gift throughout the year?


  1. I LOVE this post! I really enjoy reading your blog. I hope you have a very happy new year!

    1. Thanks Laurie! I hope you have a great new year, too!


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