Church History in Review: Primary Jeopardy Game

The first Sunday Justin and I attended our new ward in Vernal, the bishop called us into his office. We assumed it was just a "get-to-know-you" meeting...

We walked out of his office 10 minutes later with a new calling: Co-primary teachers for the Valiant 9 class (9 year olds).

We love teaching primary and have actually been lucky enough to partner up before. I've got the whole hand-out and object lesson thing down and Justin is pro at telling stories and engaging the class.

This year the subject for primary is Church History so we've been learning about Joseph Smith, the angel Moroni, and the publishing of the Book of Mormon. Last week we had a review of everything we've taught the class thus far. Instead of just reviewing everything, Justin and I spiced it up with a little game of Jeopardy. Winning team's prize was a plate full of Easter cookies.

The TWIST: Each 500 point question came with a challenge. If the team wins the challenge, the question becomes worth double the points. If they lose it, then the question is only worth the original 500 points.

The game was fun and got the kids out of their seats, although they did get stumped a few times with some of the questions, which made them have to really think. If they get it wrong, chances are they'll remember the right answer next time.

Anyway, here are the questions in case you'd like to take a stab at reviewing church history!


100 pts: Who appeared to Joseph Smith three times to tell him he was going to restore the gospel?
  • Answer: The angel Moroni
200 pts: Who lost the 116 manuscript pages from the Book of Mormon?
  • Answer: Martin Harris
300 pts: The Book of Mormon is another testament of who?
  • Answer: Jesus Christ
400 pts: Who were the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon?
  • Answer: Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, & David Whitmer
500 pts: MARKER CHALLENGE! Who appeared to Joseph Smith to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
  • Answer: John the Baptist
**For the Marker Challenge, one member from the team comes and stands at one end of the table. The opponent stands at the other. Place a marker in the center of the table and ask the question. The first player to grab the marker has 10 seconds to answer the question. If they are correct, they win. If incorrect, the opponent gets the chance to answer

100 pts: What happened on April 6, 1830?
  • Answer: The church was organized
200 pts: What was completed in the Spring of 1830?
  • Answer: The Book of Mormon was published
300 pts: What was Emma Smith asked to do to help support Joseph?
  • Answer: Create the first hymn book
400 pts: How did sacred hymns protect the pioneers while they traveled near the Rocky Mountains?
  • Answer: Over 1,000 Indians hid waiting to kill them, but when they sang "Come, Come ye Saints", the chief knew the Great Spirit was watching over them and disbanded the Indian attack.
500 pts: ACTING CHALLENGE! Peter, James & John appeared to Joseph and Oliver to do what?
  • Answer: Restore the Melchezidek Priesthood
**For the acting challenge, have the team act out the answer above. This is just a fun way to get them out of their seats. If they act it, and get the answer right, they get double points. 

100 pts: Where did Joseph Smith see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the first time?
  • Answer: The Sacred Grove
200 pts: Where were the Gold Plates hidden?
  • Answer: The Hill Cumorah
300 pts: The Book of Mormon teaches us about a people who lived where?
  • Answer: The American Continent a long time ago
400 pts: Where was Joseph Smith living when he had the First Vision?
  • Answer: Palmyra, NY
500 pts: DOUBLE POINT CHALLENGE! Ask a personal question that you taught your class in one of the lessons. For our class we asked: What was the name of the first member of the church... in Justin's family line?
  • Answer: Thomas Benson
100 pts: How many witnesses were allowed to touch the Gold Plates (Excluding Joseph Smith)?]
  • Answer: 8
200 pts: How many copies of the Book of Mormon were published during the initial printing?
  • Answer: 5,000
300 pts: According to New York law, how many people were required to organize a church?
  • Answer: 6
400 pts: How is the Book of Mormon the "Keystone" of our religion?
  • Answer: It is the supporting block that strengthens our faith and testimonies
500 pts: ROCK PAPER SCISSORS CHALLENGE! How did Heavenly Messengers help David Whitmer so he could protect the prophet Joseph Smith?
  • Answer: Three strangers helped him finish his farm work
**For the Rock Paper Scissors Challenge, have one member from each team come to the front of the class to play a round of rock paper scissors. If the team whose turn it is to answer the question wins, the question is worth double points. If the opponent wins, the question is worth the original 500 points. 

100 pts: In what state was the church organized?
  • Answer: New York
200 pts: What is the gateway to eternal life?
  • Answer: Baptism
300 pts: Who was the first missionary of the church?
  • Answer: Samuel Smith (Joseph Smith, Jr.'s brother)
400 pts: How did Oliver Cowdery find Joseph Smith?
  • Answer: He was living with the Smith family as he taught Joseph Smith, Sr. and learned about Joseph and the gold plates. He wanted to meet Joseph so Samuel took him to where Joseph and Emma were living. Joseph had received revelation that the Lord would send someone as a scribe to help him. 
500 pts: DOUBLE POINTS! On your own, say the fifth article of faith:
  • Answer: We believe that a man must be called of God by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority to preach the gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof. 
This review can easily be adapted depending on how many kids are in your class. Our usually large class was down to only four kids on the day of review so rather than have two teams, the whole class was on one team. Their goal was that they had to reach 10,000 points as a class in order to get any cookies. Had they added up all the points on the board, they would've realized that getting a score of 10,000 points was impossible. But it didn't matter. 

When class was over, we explained that although the class did everything they could, although they did their absolute best, they were not perfect and didn't reach that 10,000 mark. Just like with the review, although we try to be perfect in this life and follow God's commandments, none of us are perfect. But that's okay. When Christ went to the Garden of Gethsemane, he paid the price for our sins. He makes up the difference between our absolute best and perfection. 

Although we are not perfect, Christ is. And because of His sacrifice, we can be made perfect. 

And we gave everyone an Easter treat regardless :)


  1. My husband and I teach the valiant 9 girls in our ward too! This is so great I might just steal it haha

    1. That's awesome! It's such a fun (and sometimes tricky haha) age to teach. Please feel free to use it!

  2. Is there anyway this is in a word format so I can print and use it? We live in Guam and teach the same age and teach the same topics but have 2 classes in one because of lack of teachers willing to teach. We also co teach.

    1. I can't imagine teaching a combined class! This age group is so fun but can definitely be a handful.

      We actually just printed a list of the questions separately. When a child chose a certain point value, we read the corresponding question and took the paper off of the chalkboard.

      Sorry I don't have a template for you to print out, but I found doing it how we did to be pretty simple, too. Keep up the great work with your class!


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