Coming Closer to Christ in 30 Days (Part 1)

We all experience different seasons throughout our lives. At times we walk through this journey with the crisp air of Spring filling our lungs, the scent of fresh flowers and rain making every breath one of renewal, and the refreshing vision of a world blanketed in green. Other times we walk--or in my case, run--through the bitter winter storms. During those times, the heavy pressure of an oncoming thunderstorm can weigh on our shoulders, especially if we find ourselves stuck in the middle of a hurricane with no foreseeable way out.

No matter the season we walk through today--or the season we'll face tomorrow--we have to rely on Christ always. Speaking from personal experience, it's often easy to forget Him when we walk through the Springs and Summers of life. It's not that we want to, but the peaceful time distracts us from the constant need we have to improve ourselves to become like Him.

After the April 2018 LDS General Conference, Justin and I both felt the urgency to rise up and make a real effort to follow God's commandments and a real effort in improving who we are. Especially during the times of peace. The peaceful seasons of our lives are our times to strengthen and grow so when we face the next storm, we are prepared to withstand it.

A few weeks ago we decided to step up our family scripture study. Instead of reading random verses of scriptures or even a chapter from the Book of Mormon before bed, we decided to read all of the scripture references under "Jesus Christ" in the Topical Guide.

There's a lot. Like twenty billion references. We hope this will keep us busy and focused for years.

Each night we choose to read one scripture reference. Only one. Sometimes it's one verse, sometimes it's eleven, but we only read one reference to Christ. We spend the next fifteen or so minutes discussing that particular scripture. What do we like about it? How does it apply to our lives? How can we use this to become like our Savior?

From our discussion, we choose one theme to focus on for the next day. Throughout the day we think about our question or figure out how to accomplish the action we felt inspired to do to keep our thoughts on Christ and becoming like Him.

How much we've learned--and improved--over the last few weeks is astronomical. I've done and changed more in the past few weeks than I did during the entire year last year. It's also helpful to have a different theme to focus on each day because it keeps it interesting and there's an air of motivation to actually focus on it. If you don't, then you miss out because the next day we move on to something else.

At the end of each day (and sometimes all throughout) we talk about our individual experiences with the day's theme. We're accountable to one another.

I wanted to share the scripture references and themes we've focused on this past month in case you feel that you could use a spiritual lift or even some guidance in studying and pondering more about the Savior and you.

If you try out this study guide, let me know how your experience goes! We're all in this life together and on the same journey home. I truly believe sharing our experiences not only helps boost others but strengthens our own testimonies of them.

Day 1: Luke 1:26-38
"For with God, nothing shall be impossible." How can I come to Christ?

Day 2: Matt 1:18-25
Turn your attention to the purpose of your individual trials.

The scripture says that Mary went in to labor and the Savior was born. I'm sure her labor was excruciatingly painful and scary: no modern medicine, no anesthesia, no medical professionals to help, she delivered in unsanitary conditions and that was only her labor and delivery. There's no mention of her recovery. Instead, the scriptures focus on the purpose--the birth of the Savior.

The overall purpose of each of our trials in this life is to receive eternal life. Everything we do and overcome is to get us there. But the smaller purposes for our trials may not be known to us in this life... and they may never be known. And that's okay. We just need to have the faith and trust in Heavenly Father to understand that there is a purpose as to why we go through everything we do.

Recognize that your specific trials lead you to Christ. Have you been able to see the reasons for past trials in your life today?

Day 3: Luke 2:21
The angel called the child Jesus because God knew Him. God knows us too and He knows our potential.

Day 4: Luke 2:22-38
You understand and know that God knows you. Now it's your turn to come to know God and come to know Him within yourself.

What past experiences have you had that have helped you come to know your Savior and Father in Heaven? How do you see Them in you?

Think about this throughout the day.

Day 5: Matt 2:1-12
When the wise men saw the star of Christ's birth, they immediately "rejoiced with exceeding great joy." (vs. 10). They reacted this way because they knew what the star meant. Look for those things throughout your day that testify of Christ and rejoice in them.

This could be the Spring weather, the spontaneous visit from a friend, or the desire in yourself to minister.

Day 6: Matt 2:13-18
An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to get his family out of the land and to flee to Egypt. They didn't hesitate and fled in the middle of the night to safety.

Recognize the promptings in your life today and act on the first promptings you receive.

Day 7: Matt 2:19-23
When Herod died, he was only remembered by the decision/act he made in his fear when he heard of Christ's birth: to kill all children 2 years old and younger.

What choices and marks do we leave behind in our own lives? How can we minister this week to leave a light for others to glorify God?

Day 8: Stake Conference or Recent Church Meeting
Apply those things you learned in your meeting into your life. Specifically, bring those lessons into your home and your lives and make at least one change in what you do (ie. Family Council, FHE, Family Scripture Study, Ministering, etc.)

Specifically, these topics stood out to me at our conference as Elder Wakolo (Area seventy) presided:

  • Our trials and hardships are not trials and hardships. They're learning experiences.
  • Our temptations are not temptations. They're opportunities for developmental change. 
  • We don't often see the end from the beginning.
  • Keep you ministering simple and flexible.
Day 9: Moses 1
Remember who you truly are--a daughter or son of God. 

Sometimes in order to hear the voice of the Lord and to be blessed with a spiritual high, we must trek up very high mountains as Moses did in verse one. Rarely do high mountains offer an easy, stress-free path. 

"Man is nothing" (vs. 10). In our mortal and fallen states, we are nothing without God. We must maintain a strong but humble knowledge that we do need to rely on our Savior for all things. In our immortal states, however, and despite the weaknesses we have, we are literal sons and daughters of a King. And we are so important to Him. 

After spiritual highs, we can always expect the adversary to attempt to knock us down by throwing his temptations at us (vs. 12-13). I love how Moses responded to these temptations. He leaned whole-heartedly with complete faith in God, understanding his true parentage--he is a son of God. 

I am a daughter of God. We are children of God. 

And with that parentage, we are not children of man. We have not only the ability but the right to stand fearless before the adversary, defending our Father and our worth to Him. 

Day 10: Matt 13:55-56; Mark 6:3
Many looked at Christ and only saw the carpenter's son. We know He is and was much more than that. Look at others as Christ sees them. Also, try and see Christ within them. 

Day 11: Matt 3:13-17
Heavenly Father had a specific work for John the Baptist to do. He has a specific work for you to do, too. Today, ponder to understand what work Heavenly Father has for you within each of your different roles (ie. parent, spouse, church leader, minister, friend...). 

How can you prepare now to accomplish those specific works when calls to them come?

Day 12: Matt 4:1-11
The devil tempted Christ and he will tempt us. Christ withstood the adversary's temptations and so can we. 

As you make decisions, ask yourself what the consequences of that choice will be? Will it have eternal blessings or will the result of that choice die when you do?

Day 13: Mark 1:12-13
Prepare to defend yourself from temptation next week by choosing a scripture focused on enduring to the end (as Christ endured temptations for forty days) and memorizing it. 

We chose 2 Nephi 9:18

"But behold, the righteous, the saints of the Holy One of Israel, they who have believed on the Holy One of Israel, they who have endured the crosses of the world, and despised the shame of it, they shall inherit the kingdom of God, which was prepared for them from the foundation of the world, and their joy shall be full forever."

Day 14: Luke 4:1-13
Recognize who your thoughts and desires are coming from and rely on an eternal perspective to make your choices throughout the day. 

Day 15: Matt 4:18-22
Christ's disciples left straightway when He called to them. 

Pay attention to your thoughts of action and just DO IT NOW! Err on the side that if it is a good thought, then it's a prompting. 

Day 16: Matt 9:9
"And he arose, and followed him." Each time we follow Christ, we must rise up like Matthew did to meet the call to action and the call to serve. Speaking of ministering, our bishop recently counseled us to "assign yourself". 

Today, rise up and "assign yourself" to minister to others knowing that by doing so you are rising a little higher each time to follow Christ. 

Day 17: Mark 1:16-20
"Come ye after me" FIRST "and I will make you" BETTER. Drop your nets of comfort and safety and follow Christ. 

How can you take the first steps toward Christ today so He can help you improve?

Day 18: Luke 5:1-11
"Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” 

Put in your net (or effort to change and improve) again. Recommit to delving deeper into the gospel and putting more effort into your spiritual growth. Work with each other—help each other in your growth. We can’t do it on our own. 

Day 19: Luke 6:12-16
After having prayed to God in the mountain all night, Christ chose twelve apostles. Today, think about others--as Christ surely did before choosing them--and then spend your day in action, acting on those thoughts. To be able to minister better, you need to get to know others. 

Day 20: John 1:35-51
Christ turned to those disciples who followed Him and said, "What seek ye?" After the disciples answered His question, He said, "Come and see." (vs. 37-39). 

Today ask yourself, "What seek ye?" What is it that you are seeking in your spiritual life, your temporal life, your professional, familial, and private life? "Come and see." Come unto Christ and see what He has in store for you as you seek those things with Him.

Day 21: Matt 10:1-4
Christ gave His apostles of old the power to cast out unclean spirits, to heal all manner of sickness and disease. Just as in times of old, Christ has given our current prophet and apostles the authority to act in the name of Christ. 

Today read a talk by President Nelson knowing He’s been given this authority. If you're able to, discuss your talk with a family member

·        Day 22: Mark 3:13-19Prepare yourself to go up unto the mountain—or temple, a sacred and holy place—this week. What can you set aside to “come” to this place? Ask yourself: what it is that I truly want to know and learn from Heavenly Father at the temple? Take this question to my Father in His house on Saturday.
·       Day 23: Matt 5Heavenly Father sees us as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He sees me as my potential to become like Christ. How can we be the salt of the earth? How can you share YOUR light?

·        Day 24: Matt 6Focus especially on verses 21-22 and 23. Seek ye the kingdom of God first before your own needs. He will take care of you and already knows your needs. How can you seek His kingdom first today?

·        Day 25: Matt 7How do I wish others treated me? What do I wish others would do in reaching out? Do those things today to those around you. If you can, find five ways to treat others that way.

·       Day 26: Matt 9:35-38There’s so much work to do in this dispensation—there’s so much on the line as we prepare the world for the return of the Savior. We can’t afford to be passive. We must be active participants. How can you be an active laborer in building God’s kingdom today?

·        Day 27: Matt 10:1-21We are all sick and we never know what’s going on behind closed doors. How/where can you step into the fog today (following the promptings of the Spirit)? Act on those impressions.

·        Day 28: Matt 10:22-42 (vs. 39)When we feel the love of God, we are better able to share His love with those around us in loving service. Fear not (vs. 28) and lose your life in service. As you serve others for God, His love within you will grow and you’ll feel it easier. As it grows, your desire to serve will increase in a cycle. In this way, you can always feel God’s love.

·        Day 29: Mark 6:7-13 (vs. 7)It’s clear that the Lord accomplishes His work “Two by Two”. Every stage of life we are placed with companions (Eternal spouses, visiting/home teaching partners, coworkers, etc.). 

      Ponder ways that we as an eternal companionship can serve and minister intentionally to someone this week. Recognize strengths in the people you work with (Companions) throughout the day.
·        Day 30: Luke 9:1-6 (vs. 6)“Healing Everywhere”. How can we be no respecter of persons today and treat and love everyone the same and offer healing?



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