A New Year, A New Me

New Year's is an interesting holiday to celebrate - a time to overeat while withholding yourself from the sweet calling of sleep, and, most importantly, to set new goals that you know you'll forget about within a month's time.

I'm not cynical towards New Year's. I love the idea of setting new goals to become a better person. I'm just realistic that 99% (my own statistic, not a fact) of people never reach the goals they set on New Year's.

I do still set New Year's resolutions, but a better way to think of these goals is to initially set them on New Year's, but reevaluate and readjust come February and beyond. That's the only way I can accomplish my goals.

2018 New Year's Resolutions

  1. Publish The Harvest trilogy

    I've given myself a strict production schedule to write, edit and publish all three books by Fall 2018. The strict deadline is a bit daunting but I know me and if I give myself too much time, then it's too easy for me to push off the work that needs to be done until there isn't time to do it anymore.
  2. Open an Etsy shop

    For a while now I've had an Etsy account but with nothing in my "shop". I finally have the ideas and supplies to create what I love and to really get started on an Etsy shop. Keep an eye out because as I add more, I'll definitely be updating here!
  3. Be Super Woman

    The rest of my goals fit into these three words. Be. Super. Woman. Be a wife. Be a mother. Be brave. Be kind. Be gentle. Be understanding. Be loving. Be happy. Be YOU.

    Superwoman means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To me, being super woman is when you are able to take care of yourself and raise your family in righteousness and love. That's what I plan to do by making sure our family does family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening. By taking my baby girl and pup out to build memories during the days and going on getaways with daddy on the weekends. And all the while, working to accomplish my first two goals to "take care of myself". 
Whatever goals I choose to set, I will have to reevaluate them when the chaos of a new year begins. And with that reevaluation, I'm sure, will come some adjustments. But that's not a bad thing. That's a strategy to accomplishing those things I want to do going through one more year.

What's your number one resolution this year?


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