Eight Months and Counting...

You, my sweet little lady, turned 8 months old today! The past thirty days have been filled with new adventures almost daily. And what a ride it has been!

You're the most mobile baby I know, although you haven't quite mastered crawling yet. This doesn't stop you from chasing down your dirty diapers, scooting under chairs, or knocking over your entire toy box. You get on to your hands and knees and rock yourself back and forth before launching yourself forward. It's nearly effortless now and I love seeing you get the things your after.

I guess it's time to baby proof!

You're an excellent eater and are happy to try anything new... except peas. You hate peas. And green beans. And butternut squash. But you LOVE carrots and sweet potatoes, you're a banana and peach fan, you're learning to like chicken and apples and next on the list: pears, watermelon, peanut butter (your first exposure you didn't like the texture very much haha), and the list goes on. The baby food aisle is Mommy's favorite aisle to shop in because I love seeing all the food you're going to get to taste for the first time.

You love to play with your feet and roll around on your tummy. You're getting pretty good at pushing yourself up from your tummy to your bottom so you can sit.

You smell flowers without your hands--most of the time!--and turn the pages of your books very diligently. You're a master book page turner.

Two little teeth have sprouted front and center on your bottom gums. They're pretty sharp so now Mommy and Daddy don't let you suck on anyone's fingers but your own. You love to play with your bottle nipple and bite it really hard before pulling it out of your mouth and spraying milk everywhere.

You're still best friends with Lucy and no one can get you to squeal and bounce so excitedly as quickly as she can... and all she does is walk in the room!

You love your voice and we do too! Sometimes your squeals are so high pitched, Daddy and Mommy have to cover our ears, but we don't stop you often. Your happy squeals are our favorite. They make me smile even when you do it during church or first thing early in the morning.

This month has been full of a lot of adventures too!

We hiked McConkie Ranch with Lucy to see the Indian petroglyphs

We saw real dinosaur bones at the Dinosaur Quarry and you squealed so much and liked touching all the bones

Daddy and Mommy took you to your first caucus meeting. During the prayer, the speaker said, "We pray that our voices will be heard..." and just then you squealed so loud! Everyone laughed after the prayer because you definitely made your voice heard.

And we ended the month with a bang vacationing in Utah County with all our family. You love your cousins, grandparents, and aunts/uncles so much and had a blast playing with everyone! And you stole the hearts of everyone you met... but what's new?

You tried out swimming for the first time and liked the warm hot springs, but the cold wind wasn't so fun. You met your great-aunt Lynette and great-uncle Dennis for the first time. We played with the turkeys at Grandma's and played in the sun swinging and playing in the grass. The Easter bunny hid eggs for you for your first ever Easter egg hunt and you got lots of candy that Mommy and Daddy get to eat.



This month has been the best! And I'm so grateful I get to be a part of every step with you.

Love you, Baby Girl.

Now on to the next adventure... swimming lessons!


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