A Little Person of Her Own...

I have to be honest, since Month One I've had Evie's posts ready to go days before she actually hit that age. But today I'm late... but only by a day. The older Evie gets, I swear the faster time goes!

Our little sweetheart is 7 months old today! Somewhere along the line, we passed the 6-month-old stage where all the newborn woes are said to end. The beautiful light at the end of the tunnel came and went. And suddenly Evie's her own little person.

Evie, you melt our hearts every day and have quickly become my best entertainer and one of my favorite people in the entire world.

Over the past month, we've spent all day every day together just you and I. Some days have been hard as we're still battling your acid reflux and trying to find a medicine that works, but most of them have been amazingly fun.

You love trying new things and we've done a lot of that this month. Between trips to the library and the grocery store to tasting new foods of all kinds, from playing in pans of water to swinging at the park, from rolling ALL OVER the floor to getting up on your knees and scooting backwards with ease (we're working on getting you to go forward), you've been learning a lot and grown so much.

A few of the silliest things that I absolutely love about your little personality...

You are 7 months old and a technology addict. Mommy and daddy tried really hard to not let you have a lot of screen time but Mommy uses her phone for everything--exercise classes, Marco Polo's to family, even tracking your meals and nap times--and you noticed. It doesn't matter what toy you are playing with if you see a phone (even in the furthest corner of your blanket) your toy's forgotten and you flip to your belly and try to go after the phone. Lucky for me, the harder you try, the quicker you move backward away from the phone.

You love learning new sounds with your mouth and I'm pretty sure every day you have some new discovery. My favorite is the high pitched squeals I get when we're talking or singing. A little less favorite (but still funny) are the near-constant growls you give me when I do things I assume you don't like: getting buckled into the car seat, taking too long getting the spoon of food to your mouth, or zipping you into your jacket. You suck on your pacifier and try to blow and spit at the same time. You swish your spit around in your mouth so much that we can hear it clearly. Your tongue is never inside your mouth anymore and you laugh your deep chuckle that makes me laugh when I kiss it.

You still love airplane and you LOVE tummy time, but lately, that leads to lots of spit up and tears. But more than tummy time, you like to sit and you're starting to prefer to stand. If I try to lay you on your back, you flip to your stomach. When I put you on your stomach, you fuss until I help you sit. When I try to bend your bottom to help you sit, you arch your back and lock your legs so you can stand. You definitely know what you want :)

The past month has been filled with nonstop kisses, too. You love getting kisses. You giggle and laugh when Daddy kisses you and his scruffy face tickles your cheek... sometimes you cry if the scruff is too scratchy. You like to look at the ceiling vents and lights and when you tip your head up, Mommy always kisses your neck. You get the biggest smile and laugh and laugh. And then you'll tip your head up again. Every morning I kiss your belly when I change your clothes and each afternoon I kiss your chubby cheeks and little fingers. You've started giving us kisses, too. When we come in close for one, you open your mouth and smile when we get your kiss.

Although sleep training was awful, you sleep like a champ... most nights. We start by waving "night night" to random things in your room. At first, you stared so intrigued but now you wave "night night" too! And you always look ahead searching for the photo of Jesus to say "night night" to Him.

You eat solids like a rock star: bananas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. But you hate butternut squash. And you aren't shy about telling us. The last time I gave it to you, you spit it across the room.

You are definitely a mommy's girl and take any chance to lunge into my arms. It makes my mommy heart so happy. I love getting to hold you especially on the rare times when you lay your head on my shoulder and cuddle with me for a few seconds.

We've had a lot of fun adventures this past month. We went two nights in a row to see Daddy perform in Forever Plaid. Mommy loved it but we learned that you are not a night owl. You cried and struggled a lot during the first showing because you were so tired but wouldn't fall asleep. A friend had to hold you in the lobby during the entire performance the second night. We're so glad that Daddy's home now!

Daddy and I love getting to have adventures with you and seeing you learn and grow. You are the light of our lives.

We love you, Baby Girl!


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