We're Stopping Time...

Somehow among the chaos of the long days of diaper changes, rushed showers, quick bites to eat and hoarse voices from singing and telling stories, Evie turned 3 months old. Time is speeding by too fast. 

I remember your labor and delivery like it just happened last week so how are you already 3 months old? Well I decided to stop time, right here and now, by permanently putting you on paper (so to speak), immortalizing my little girl.

Over the past month our adventures have grown,
I wish I could leave them permanently in stone.
But that's not an option so I'll do my best here,
To relive the wonderful parts of this specific month this year.

I wish your morning snuggles would never disappear,
The way you cuddle against my chest, your soft hair brushing my ear. 
I wish I could keep you snuggled in my arms so tight
As I rock you to sleep, back and forth, throughout the night. 

Our days have changed drastically as we've figured out routine,
So now mommy and Evie both get sleep to quiet the little drama queen. 
Your nap during the day sometimes a half hour sometimes three,
Keeps me on my toes as I'm never sure how much time I have to clean.

You've developed a love for our ceiling fan, 
You stare wide-eyed for as long as you can. 
Your butterfly mobile is also a treat,
You lay on your back and watch it spin and sing so sweet.

You cuddle stuffed animals and give em a lick or two;
You're doing better on your tummy and now actually coo!
You've given us smiles and actual giggles,
You held your rattle for the first time and shook it lots when you wiggled. 

Without fail you always cover your face when you eat,
I can't help but think you're saying, "A little privacy, please!"
You hold our hands and pull yourself up to sit,
Your head bobbles on your shoulders but you don't quit. 

You spit out at least half your medicine each day, 
Then smile a smirk because you're getting your way. 
It's too cute for us to actually care,
So we'll just rock you and bounce you because soon that'll be rare.

You babble and coo and often laugh
When Mommy and Daddy play with you after your bath.
You did great at your first trunk or treat,
Your costume no one could beat. 

Playing in corn mazes and a trip to the temple,
Our adventures together are often quite simple. 
But these are perfect for your third month here,
Our adventures will get bigger and better throughout the year. 

Sadly, I can't stop time forever and you're already growing up even more while I write this short note. 

So I'll enjoy every poopy diaper I have to change six times in one sitting, the cries that are only soothed by dancing circles around the living room or bouncing endlessly on my yoga ball, sitting in the cramped backseat to hold the pacifier in your mouth or to control your flailing fists, listening to Phantom of the Opera on repeat to quiet your inconsolable cries, and every other crazy thing I do for this little body filled with such an amazing spirit. After all, in reality none of it will last very long.

"Cooking and cleaning can wait til tomorrow,
For children grow up, we have learned to our sorrow,
So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
-- Author Unknown


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