Unique DIY Baby Shower Gifts

Over the past few months I suddenly feel like everyone around me is having babies! Which is great news because babies are the best.  

Lots of babies means lots of baby showers. Although it's great to get much needed items like diapers and wipes (which you can never really seem to have enough of) it's also fun to get unique gifts personalized for you and baby. Check out these DIY gifts that no one else will duplicate giving at the next shower you're invited to. 

Diaper Friends
These type of gifts are fun to make and fun to get. Plus they give the new mom a variety of items (diapers, bibs, bottles, mittens, toys, clothes, blankets, pacifiers, and whatever else you'd like to include). 


Burp Cloths
A wonderful woman gave me eight darling homemade burp cloths for one of my baby showers. At first, I wasn't sure why I was going to need so many... silly me. We go through them all weekly. It's so handy to be able to throw one in the wash and grab another when there's a mess to be cleaned up. 

The pattern for burp cloths is fairly simple too. Two pieces of durable fabric cut to your desired size and shape and stitched together around the edges. 

Room Decor
If you have been blessed with the gift of art and creativity, use it and make some beautiful paintings or wall hangings personalized specifically for the mom and baby to be. 
  • Paintings 
  • Baby's Name Wall Hangings 
  • Calligraphy Art

Whatever your talent, share it with the new mom-to-be!

Baby Book
Create a baby book, using a company like Shutterfly, specifically to include information that the mom and dad will want to remember. 

Baby Blankets
Whether you crochet, quilt, knit, or do something in between, you can never have enough baby blankets to cuddle and snuggle your newborn in. Plus it's a great way to use some extra fabric you might have lying around.

We even included one of the blankets we received as a gift in Evie's newborn photos (above). 

Knitted Clothing
I am in love with this little knitted sweater and can't wait for the weather to get cold enough that we can have Evie wear it. 

Baby Doll
Sew a baby doll for the new baby. This is a great gift for either you to give, or to include one of your kiddos who may be developing a talent in sewing. 

Hotsy Totsy Stuffed Animal
Sew a stuffed animal (or buy one from the store) and replace the stuffing with corn kernels or rice to make a heated bean bag for the baby to use as they get older. This would be a snuggle toy never to be forgotten. 

Just make sure you remove any items from the animal with metal in it (like a bow with a wire) otherwise it may be remembered for bursting into flames in the microwave instead of for being lovable.

Month Blanket
Have you seen those cute blankets to announce when their babies turn one month, two months, etc.? Have you ever thought about making one? With a simple sheet, a wreath and some flowers (or a frame), you can get the same product but for half the price. If you go the wreath route, you can also switch out the flowers every month to tailor it to that particular time in your baby's life. 

Your gift giving doesn't have to end there though. Sometimes you may miss the baby shower or decide to give a gift after the baby is born. And trust me, the mom and dad still need some TLC then. 

Gift Box for Older Siblings
Put together a survival box for older siblings so they don't feel left out when suddenly all of mom and dad's attention is going to the new baby. The box could include items like a newly released movie, treats, some toys or new clothes. Anything to help the older kids feel special. 

Meals are a HUGE help after the baby is born. Helping new parents stock the freezer so they can grab a quick, healthy meal on a rough day is a gift that keeps on giving every time they need to use one. This can be an easy gift to give if you double a few of the meals you make for your own family and give the extra to the new parents. 

Footprint & Measurement Frame
Create a cute frame for baby which includes the baby's footprint and all of the details of his/her birth. 

They also now have clean-touch ink pads you can get in order to capture a detailed print of your baby's foot without having to use paint.  

There are so many ideas out there and so much talent that making a personalized gift can be a snap. Do you have a DIY gift that you love to give?


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