Oh, The Things You Do...

Another month down and my sweet baby girl is already 2 months old. People told me time would pass quickly.

I didn't believe them.

Over the past four weeks, my baby girl has learned and grown so much. She's reached milestones I crossed my fingers she would and others that I didn't expect. She is alert and attentive often and, for the most part, I suddenly recognize the difference in her cries. It's been such a fun - and stretching - adventure so far.

 And oh the things you've done...

You stare at the pages of books when I read to you
Of princesses and dragons, of farm animals and those in the zoo.
But your favorite book is black and white
Of bunnies and bears with touchy-feely fur just as light.

You cuddle with the stuffed animals I place in your arms
And smile as I sing songs of Old McDonald's farm.
Without fail "Phantom of the Opera" quiets your cries,
And "I Love to See the Temple" sends you off to good night.

You hate to sleep anywhere but with Mom and Dad,
And we love your cuddles so holding you is not all that bad.
You rolled over once. Twice. Six times. And decided that was enough.
You weren't gonna do it again. Six times was your limit. Tough.

You made a 3 hour road trip for a baptism in Orem
And with you there was never a moment of boredom.
24 hours later, you made the same trip back home
Where we take walks with Lucy and sort of roam.

You met all of Mom and Dad's friends at a Summer BBQ,
Saw the solar eclipse through silly glasses, the sunlight a different hue.
You spent a fall morning picking crisp green apples,
And we're ending it all with a blessing in our ward's chapel.

You are quickly becoming our little adventurer
And we love exploring with you.
Here's to another month down -
You've grown up through two!

A few other random tidbits about you, Evie:
You get a bath every night before bedtime (which you LOVE). We sing silly bath songs and pour warm water over you. At least half the time the baths end with Mommy and Daddy scrambling because Evie decided to poop. Lucy watches while we all play and has often tried to jump inside the bath with you. Only once did she get very close.

Daddy rocks, sings, and bounces you to sleep every night so Mommy can get some extra sleep before waking up for your nighttime feedings. Sometimes you fall asleep within minutes of eating. Other times you make Daddy do tricks for you for what feels like hours before you'll sleep.

You hate your car seat with a fiery passion that I don't understand. But your crib and carrier are growing on you, yet we still don't quite "get" the Mobi wrap. You sleep a lot during the day, but always want to wake up right when Mommy and Daddy sit down to eat dinner.

We jump through hoops to soothe your cries sometimes using your Ducky Swing, a bouncer, a back and forth swing, rocking in the rocking chair or bouncing on a yoga ball. Usually one of those coupled with listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Pandora radio station or Phantom of the Opera settles you down.

Although you are just reaching two months old, you are already wearing size one diapers and phasing out all of your newborn clothes. We've started putting you in your three month outfits which are much comfier and super cute.

We love you, Baby Girl!


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