Apple Chicken Sausage Rice Bowl

With a new baby who has suffered the first month of her life with tummy troubles, we have been testing different options to try and determine what needs to change in order to help her feel better.

The latest test: me going dairy free. We think she may have a dairy sensitivity so I'm trying to cut out as much as possible to help reduce the amount of gas she has so her little body can heal. Do you know how many meals are filled with milk, cheese, or butter? Everything.

It's already a trick to fit lunch in daily, let alone coming up with meals on the spot that are dairy-free. So Justin and I are prepping lunches at the beginning of each week so we can just grab and go every morning.

Last week we had club salads with dairy-free ranch dressing, which surprisingly was amazing and I like better than store bought Ranch. You can find the ranch dressing recipe here.

This week...

Apple Sausage Rice Bowl
4 Johnsonville Apple Chicken Sausage Links
4 cups of white rice
2 yellow squash
1 green zucchini
6 red potatoes
4 carrots
32 sugar snap peas
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
Paprika, to taste
Vegetable Oil

  1. Cook rice and divide evenly among 8 Tupperware containers.
  2. Cut red potatoes into bite-sized pieces and season (to taste) with salt, pepper, and paprika. Saute potatoes in saute pan with 2 TBS of vegetable oil. Once browned and soft, remove potatoes from pan and set aside.
  3. Peel and chop carrots. Wash whole pea pods. Add both carrots and peas to saute pan with vegetable oil, adding an additional tablespoon of oil, if needed. Saute for 5-6 minutes. Remove from pan and set aside.
  4. Slice yellow squash and season with salt and pepper. Steam. 
  5.  Slice precooked sausage links and saute just until browned. 
  6. Divide each sausage and vegetables evenly among containers. 
I let the containers cool for a few minutes before loading them up in the fridge for storage. Surprisingly, the rice bowl is very filling even with the smaller containers we used. 

We have a lot of weeks to go. Do you have any healthy lunch options that are dairy-free that we could add into our menu?


  1. I am going to try this. I hate lunches and always end up picking on what I feed the girls. I have some recipes that are dairy free because we limit how much we eat. I will find them and send them too you!

    1. I feel the same way! I usually default to PB & J... which I'm not a huge fan of haha. Yes, please send me your recipes - I'd love to try them! Do you have my email?


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