A Happy Accident: Dry Fork Flume Interpretive Trail

With our weekends quickly disappearing, Justin and I have made some big plans to make the most of these lazy days of summer.  Often our plans are fluid and flexible and what starts as a fun game night plan turns into a weekend getaway or vice versa.

With just the two of us - and Lucy - it's easy to be flexible.

A few weekends ago, we planned an overnight camping trip to Skull Creek Campground up near Flaming Gorge. It's a cute little campground with a small creek running through it - the perfect place to relax, enjoy beautiful nature and a babbling brook, and let Lucy roam free... well, free-ish.

Within a week our overnight trip turned into a day trip to Skull Creek where we could still play in the creek, light a fire, and make a dutch oven meal. All of the fun without sleeping on the ground 33 weeks pregnant.

A few days later our plan changed into just going up for lunch, hiking, and exploring. And on the day of, we scratched the idea of driving 1.5 hours to eat a sandwich and walk around a campsite.

Sometimes no plan is the best plan though.

Instead we made good use of our lazy Saturday - slept in, ate a waffle breakfast, had a dance party in the living room, went to puppy playtime, grabbed a bite to eat at Arby's on our way to Massey's Cave...

... which we didn't make it to.

Why didn't we make it? Because sometimes the spontaneous plan is better than what you could've cooked up yourself. As we drove out of town to Massey's Cave, Lucy started to look a little sick in the backseat. The fact that she has always been prone to car sickness and that she'd eaten a bunch of Arby's curly fries, we pulled over at the first outlet we could.

We got Lucy out of the car to stretch her legs and the hike we'd found was amazing! And only a few minutes from town.

Dry Fork Flume Interpretive Trail

Lucy was a little hesitant to get her feet wet

She did find this stick in the water that she HAD to have though

Do you have any favorite hikes near Vernal? We'd love to check them out!


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