Memorizing Techniques for Kids

When it comes to memorizing long passages of scriptures with complicated sentence structures and big words, we all need a little help. 

This year in primary, Justin and I are helping our Valiant 9 primary class memorize the 13 Articles of Faith. Most of us who grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have, at one time or another, memorized these verses depicting our basic beliefs. 

Most of us, also, have probably forgotten the majority of them. I know I have. Here are some techniques that we've been using in our primary class to help the children memorize and review the articles of faith... and to help ourselves. 

These techniques can absolutely be used to help kids memorize anything - scriptures, a short speech, the Gettysburg Address, whatever. 

1. Erase Words
Write the passage to be memorized on a chalkboard, whiteboard, or piece of paper. Let the kids study it for a few minutes and then have everyone read the passage out loud as a class. Pick one kid to choose 1-3 words (depending on how confident they are) which you will erase. Have the class read the passage again, filling in the words vocally for each blank on the board. Select another student to choose another 1-3 words to erase before reading/repeating the passage again. 

Continue to do this until there are no words (or only a very few) left on the board. 

This is a great method for when you are just starting out teaching the kids the passage for the first few go-arounds. 

"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." Article of Faith 1

2. Use only the first letter of every word
Write the passage to be memorized on a chalkboard, whiteboard, or piece of paper. HOWEVER, this time only write down the first letter of each word as a clue to the kids what word comes next.

This is method works well for a group of kids that already are familiar with the passage but could just use a little coaching. 

"W b i G t E F a i H S J C a i t H G" Article of Faith 1

3. Put the Text to a Familiar Tune
Teach the kids the passage by putting the words to a familiar tune. This could be to another primary song or even to just a fun, catchy tune you make up yourself. Regardless, if the tune fits, the words will fall right into place. 

This method is a fun way to teach a passage right from the beginning, although it does take a bit more effort on your part trying to find a song that fits. 

4. Split the class into teams to recite
This is the simplest method. As the class begins to really understand and memorize the passage, split them into small groups to recite the passage to the rest of the class. This allows the kids to be accountable for knowing the passage, but also to have a partner to help them if they have a brain freeze or lull. 

This method is best to use once the majority of students know the passage and only one or two still need help. 

Check out our Articles of Faith Challenge here. 

What tips do you have for helping your kids - or yourself - memorize?


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