Peace I give unto you...

Prince of Peace: Liz Lemon Swindle
Anyone who's ever been pregnant knows of the 1st and 2nd trimester woes: getting up every night because you have to pee uncontrollably, inhaling your food like there's not enough for everyone and then sleeping off the calories, stretch marks, toughing out colds because you can't take medicine and the never-ending backaches. These have been my main symptoms of pregnancy besides the exciting kicks and stretches that my little girl gives me every so often. 

My pregnancy has been very easy going, but earlier this week I had my first bout of real pain that has made me wonder how I am ever going to survive labor and delivery.

 Yesterday I woke up at 7:30AM, like I usually do, with a stiff sort of bloating pain in my lower right abdomen.  The doctor tells me that this is ligament pain and is a result of relaxin being released into my body to relax the joints in preparation for labor. This is normal for me in the mornings but I use the restroom, and then I feel better. Today was different. Although I used the restroom, the pain not only did not relax but grew more intense. I stayed in bed and read my scriptures, ate breakfast with Justin and went back to bed for about an hour to try and let the pain subside. It didn’t.

As the day progressed, the pain got worse traveling down my ligaments, which made it near impossible to walk because of the pain that riveted through me with each step. It hurt to walk, it hurt to use the restroom, it even hurt to try and readjust my position. I had to use my hand to help lift my right leg up onto the couch or chair because any movement that used the muscles around my right ligament would hurt. It was a day full of pain from 7:30AM to 5PM and I spent it sitting on the couch and only getting up to take Lucy on two short walks. All I could do was lie still and hope and pray the pain would go away.

I hoped rest would help, but when it hadn't subsided in the least, I had Justin bring a hot compress home from work with him. It helped relieve a little of the pain, but not near enough. I planted my booty to the couch for the rest of the evening and so my sweet husband let me sit while he made us dinner, while he took Lucy on a 30 minute run, and then stayed by me the rest of the evening.

We held FHE in the TV room upstairs and learned about two principles of peace – an outline the church put out for members to study leading up to Easter. We studied Faith and God’s Word. Each lesson has a video and then some questions and tasks for us to do. For faith, the task was to select a trial in your life and find a scripture story that can help you. Of course my immediate thought was my trial with this unending pain that had me worried, but I wasn’t sure what scripture story was an example of this. Justin thought of the woman with the issue of blood. For years she’d been isolated from her family and in pain, but when she heard the Savior was coming, she made every effort to reach out to Him for healing (Mark 5:25-34)

Thread of Faith: Howard Lyon
I decided to follow her example so before I laid down to sleep, I pled with my Father in Heaven to take away this pain and to heal me through the Atonement of His Son. I expressed my understanding of the healing power of God and how He healed the woman with the issue of blood and prayed that His power would likewise heal me - that as I slept, my body would be renewed. I fell asleep with that prayer of faith in my heart, knowing I would awake healed if I had faith in His power.

I awoke – afraid to move and see if the pain was still there. Have faith, I thought. As I’ve moved around slowly this morning, I only have a slight tenderness where the pain once was. As the day progressed, so did my body until I felt completely healed and back to normal. I am so grateful for my dear Savior and Father in Heaven who are so eager to bless us if we but ask in faith.

How am I going to get through labor and delivery? By relying on my Savior in faith. 

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.” – John 14:14
“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” – John 14:18
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27


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