Baby Girl Benson: 3D Ultrasound

Living in such a small town with limited doctors and resources available, there are a few things that we have foregone when it comes to our first pregnancy - like only getting one ultrasound because they are $200 each!

When we went in for our first ultrasound, baby looked a lot like a tremor... with eye sockets. She wouldn't uncross her legs or give the ultrasound technicians a good shot of her profile. Luckily, Ashley Regional Medical Center is very thoughtful.

Along with a cute teddy bear wrapped with a pink ribbon and a recording of baby's heartbeat implanted in it's chest, they gave us a tag to come back and get a 3D ultrasound on the house. So we did!

And we got some much better photos of our sweet baby girl! She's obviously still growing, but I think she's darling already!

Look at her little nose!

That little foot!

And her little fists!

I am in love! And so happy to see how much she's grown. The entire 30 minutes we were trying to get photos of her, she tossed and turned, kicked and squirmed. At one point she even did what we all thought was the hula - and I felt all of it. It was so much fun! 

We can't wait to meet our little girl!


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