
Showing posts from April, 2018

Eight Months and Counting...

You, my sweet little lady, turned 8 months old today! The past thirty days have been filled with new adventures almost daily. And what a ride it has been! You're the most mobile baby I know, although you haven't quite mastered crawling yet. This doesn't stop you from chasing down your dirty diapers, scooting under chairs, or knocking over your entire toy box. You get on to your hands and knees and rock yourself back and forth before launching yourself forward. It's nearly effortless now and I love seeing you get the things your after. I guess it's time to baby proof! You're an excellent eater and are happy to try anything new... except peas. You hate peas. And green beans. And butternut squash. But you LOVE carrots and sweet potatoes, you're a banana and peach fan, you're learning to like chicken and apples and next on the list: pears, watermelon, peanut butter (your first exposure you didn't like the texture very much haha), and the list go