Coming Closer to Christ in 30 Days (Part 1)
We all experience different seasons throughout our lives. At times we walk through this journey with the crisp air of Spring filling our lungs, the scent of fresh flowers and rain making every breath one of renewal, and the refreshing vision of a world blanketed in green. Other times we walk--or in my case, run--through the bitter winter storms. During those times, the heavy pressure of an oncoming thunderstorm can weigh on our shoulders, especially if we find ourselves stuck in the middle of a hurricane with no foreseeable way out. No matter the season we walk through today--or the season we'll face tomorrow--we have to rely on Christ always. Speaking from personal experience, it's often easy to forget Him when we walk through the Springs and Summers of life. It's not that we want to, but the peaceful time distracts us from the constant need we have to improve ourselves to become like Him. After the April 2018 LDS General Conference, Justin and I both felt the urgen...