5 Reasons Why Your Girl Will NOT Kill That Spider
Transformer Spider found crawling alongside our house. Photo is blurry because no way was I getting any closer to get a photo. It seems silly that any person would be so afraid of a spider (whether the size of a hand or a pin head) that they refuse to kill it. Well, we exist. And a spider is a spider no matter how small. Some people, of course, have no fear - those are your modern day super heroes. The rest of us have to find ways to cope with the unfriendly and unwelcome creatures that stealthily make their way into our homes. Although I'm one of those afraid of spiders, my reasons are legitimate. Here are 5 reasons behind why I cannot kill a spider and maybe why someone you know can't either. 1.They have exoskeleton's meaning their bones are on the outside of their bodies. This just increases the risk of literally feeling their bones break when you squish them. I don't want that kind of carnage on my hands. 2. They mock you when you try. Without fail, ju...